School Max Portal

SchoolMAX Family Portal


The Family Portal is an on-line program that offers parents access to current and important information regarding your child’s attendance, assignments, grades, progress report and disciplinary actions. The portal allows for increased parental support and involvement in the academic progress of our students. To obtain your confidential portal access key, or if you have questions about using your user ID, please contact

You are encouraged to visit the portal often to stay abreast of your child’s grades. This will empower you to contact the teacher or provide additional assistance if you notice unsatisfactory grades.

To register for Family Portal, type the following in your web browser’s address or location box [Note: “https://” must be part of the address as this is a secure site.] Please click on the “I need to register” link the first time you go to the page and follow the directions for setting up your account. From June 22nd – August 9th, due to IT Maintenance and student rollover, SchoolMax will be inaccessible to parents. Your logon/password will remain active for the following year, and you may begin accessing the system again after August 9th of each year.